What are the spiritual laws? Which of them apply to practices such as Tarot or aura readings? I share the principles behind how I conduct my own Tarot practice.
What are the spiritual laws? Which of them apply to practices such as Tarot or aura readings? I share the principles behind how I conduct my own Tarot practice.
Who's Tai Sui, the scary figure in Chinese astrology, and who's his equivalent in Western Astrology? Why do 4 different Chinese zodiac animals every year have to worry about "offending" him?
Gratitude is seen as a good emotion and attitude to cultivate and express. “Exercise Gratitude” is Card 33 […]
I believe the perfection of astrology and the higher design of it all shows that none of us are meant to go through life unchallenged, no matter how “numb” we may be.
Some of our important choice points in life will revolve around whether to pursue something big and new […]
Preface I haven’t found, online, many women (or mothers) writing on their Ayahuasca experiences. Here’s mine. It will […]
"Should I?" questions can reveal a querent's avoidance of making a choice themselves, and it's not a responsibility for the cards or card reader to shoulder.
Self-Nurturing and Journal Prompts for Cancer Season (June and July 2017) Indulge me in some personal stock-taking as […]
In brief, your role as the therapist [or any helping professional] is to create a safe space, empower […]
I watched this in the theatre with my 7-year-old when it was released. I never said this before: […]