Tarot books and different decks and spreads have become more abundant and user-friendly than ever. While these are the tools of the trade, the human dynamics of the reading session have not changed.
Tarot books and different decks and spreads have become more abundant and user-friendly than ever. While these are the tools of the trade, the human dynamics of the reading session have not changed.
One of the previous jobs I did was acting as a historical guide, and I gave pretty kick-ass […]
Gratitude is seen as a good emotion and attitude to cultivate and express. “Exercise Gratitude” is Card 33 […]
Chiron is one of the better known asteroids in astrology, often referred to as the “wounded healer”. Found […]
The shadow cannot hide in an astrology chart. If we possess awareness and self-acceptance and remember that nobody is perfect, we’re better positioned to do shadow work.
It’s been like an extended drug trip, or time in our own padded cell. Lockdown forced us inside. […]
In collectivist and conservative cultures, individuation might as well be called “selfish, selfish selfishness that will lead to […]
Preface I haven’t found, online, many women (or mothers) writing on their Ayahuasca experiences. Here’s mine. It will […]
The spiritual path is not without its pitfalls, and one of the easiest stumbles to make is to […]