I said I dated edgelord types. I was also one. (An Edgelady? Edgemiss? Edgewench? Edgefrau?) I didn't set out to be offensive, but I'd read so widely and critically that I stuck out for being darkly cynical and unapologetically atheist.
I said I dated edgelord types. I was also one. (An Edgelady? Edgemiss? Edgewench? Edgefrau?) I didn't set out to be offensive, but I'd read so widely and critically that I stuck out for being darkly cynical and unapologetically atheist.
I don’t recognise this person, though her features are familiar. I have memories of the thoughts she had. She didn’t think herself ugly, but she also thought herself hideous.
I don’t normally get sentimental over old stuff, but this has been with me since I was 14 […]