Tarot books and different decks and spreads have become more abundant and user-friendly than ever. While these are the tools of the trade, the human dynamics of the reading session have not changed.
Tarot books and different decks and spreads have become more abundant and user-friendly than ever. While these are the tools of the trade, the human dynamics of the reading session have not changed.
One of the previous jobs I did was acting as a historical guide, and I gave pretty kick-ass […]
Gratitude is seen as a good emotion and attitude to cultivate and express. “Exercise Gratitude” is Card 33 […]
This page is graphics-heavy and it may take time to load all the images completely. The artwork for […]
Highly Sensitive People may feel at the mercy of their environments. But let's use that for our own benefit.
Chiron is one of the better known asteroids in astrology, often referred to as the “wounded healer”. Found […]
The shadow cannot hide in an astrology chart. If we possess awareness and self-acceptance and remember that nobody is perfect, we’re better positioned to do shadow work.
Shadow work is a term in healing and Psychology that relates to working with the parts of ourselves […]
My mother made it clear it was a curse to be born female. If I showed a differing opinion, she had life experience aplenty with which to beat me down.
I don’t recognise this person, though her features are familiar. I have memories of the thoughts she had. She didn’t think herself ugly, but she also thought herself hideous.
Some of our important choice points in life will revolve around whether to pursue something big and new […]
Received during the New Virgo Moon, 2019: All relationships provide opportunities for healing. We heal ourselves by creating […]
Preface I haven’t found, online, many women (or mothers) writing on their Ayahuasca experiences. Here’s mine. It will […]
I watched this in the theatre with my 7-year-old when it was released. I never said this before: […]
Date: 7 August 2015, Friday (long weekend) Time: 6:45pm to 10pm Place: One Heart @ 37 Tembeling Road […]