- Heart of Creation
- Solar Centre
- Sacral Waters
- Vesica Pisces
- Seed of Life
Watercolours and Mixed Media
11 by 14 inches
September 2018
This is one of the first pieces I’ve done which puts geometry right in the centre of the picture, as opposed to previous paintings in which I may have plotted geometry into the background or not at all.
The square and diamond (derived from the vesica pisces again) are both 4-sided shapes, and this way of plotting these shapes together (plotting the square from one “lying down” on one side, to another lying down on its point) actually can be infinitely extended inwards or outwards. The equilateral triangles that help form the sides extend towards the centre of the square but never quite hit it; to me, much like the search for self or God goes ever on.
I think it’s the most beautiful picture I seen