I’ve always been sensitive to the judgments and questions around why I may have certain interests that have […]
I’ve always been sensitive to the judgments and questions around why I may have certain interests that have […]
In 2023, I spent a lot of time writing about healthy communication skills, boundaries and identifying abuse and […]
The 78-card Tarot deck as we know it today had its earliest versions created in Northern Italy in the 15th century.
Tarot books and different decks and spreads have become more abundant and user-friendly than ever. While these are the tools of the trade, the human dynamics of the reading session have not changed.
What are the spiritual laws? Which of them apply to practices such as Tarot or aura readings? I share the principles behind how I conduct my own Tarot practice.
A Reflection, Book Review of Asian Honor, and Further Reading Resources Caveat Lector I don’t know who you […]
Who's Tai Sui, the scary figure in Chinese astrology, and who's his equivalent in Western Astrology? Why do 4 different Chinese zodiac animals every year have to worry about "offending" him?
One of the previous jobs I did was acting as a historical guide, and I gave pretty kick-ass […]
Gratitude is seen as a good emotion and attitude to cultivate and express. “Exercise Gratitude” is Card 33 […]
Highly Sensitive People may feel at the mercy of their environments. But let's use that for our own benefit.
Suck it up. Don't be soft. Man up. Move on. Don't be a baby. It is no easy thing to be sensitive in our modern world.
I dedicated so much energy and headspace in my life to anticipating the criticism of my parents and […]
For much of history, Saturn was the farthest and slowest-moving planet humans could see. Its transits bring tests and restrictions. Most people hate it.
Chiron is one of the better known asteroids in astrology, often referred to as the “wounded healer”. Found […]
The shadow cannot hide in an astrology chart. If we possess awareness and self-acceptance and remember that nobody is perfect, we’re better positioned to do shadow work.
This was live Thursday, July 30th 2020 at 8pm (Singapore time)! NRSC (Nuren Secret Club) is a FaceBook […]
Shadow work is a term in healing and Psychology that relates to working with the parts of ourselves […]
My mother made it clear it was a curse to be born female. If I showed a differing opinion, she had life experience aplenty with which to beat me down.
I said I dated edgelord types. I was also one. (An Edgelady? Edgemiss? Edgewench? Edgefrau?) I didn't set out to be offensive, but I'd read so widely and critically that I stuck out for being darkly cynical and unapologetically atheist.
I don’t recognise this person, though her features are familiar. I have memories of the thoughts she had. She didn’t think herself ugly, but she also thought herself hideous.
I believe the perfection of astrology and the higher design of it all shows that none of us are meant to go through life unchallenged, no matter how “numb” we may be.
It’s been like an extended drug trip, or time in our own padded cell. Lockdown forced us inside. […]
“The anthropologists got it wrong when they named our species Homo sapiens (‘wise man’). In any case it’s […]
In collectivist and conservative cultures, individuation might as well be called “selfish, selfish selfishness that will lead to […]